
Lancelot Andrewes Medal awarded to Elizabeth Maytom

26th February 2021

We are delighted to announce and celebrate that Elizabeth Maytom, Project Lead of the Norwood and Brixton foodbank, has been awarded the Lancelot Andrewes medal for her work within the Christian community and particularly for her work over the last year during lockdown. Elizabeth said that this has come ‘completely out of blue’ and was awarded the medal on Sunday 21st February 2021 by The Venerable Simon Gates Archdeacon, given from the Anglican Southwark Diocese – Bishop for Southwark.

I’m sure you will all want to extend your congratulations to Elizabeth for this duly deserved honour.

Furthermore, in the citation that went with it, there was also clear mention of the amazing team of staff and volunteers who work with Elizabeth in the foodbank, so well done to everyone. This is a huge honour for all we do.

Photo courtesy of The Anglican Southwark Diocese




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