
School uniform pop-up swap shops in Lambeth

23rd August 2023

From Saturday 19 August to Saturday 1 September, pop-up school uniform swap shops will appear all cross Lambeth as part of a project being delivered in partnership with the Brixton and Norwood Foodbank, Lambeth Council and the Lambeth Forums Network.

The purpose of the project is to ensure that families struggling with the cost of living crisis are supported with appropriate school items. Families who need school clothing (or bags, water bottles, plimsolls, pens, etc) can come and get them for free. And people who want to cut down on environmental waste can donate.

**Scroll down for shop timetable**

Scaled-up support

Elizabeth Maytom of Brixton and Norwood Foodbank said: “Within the Lambeth Partnership of Foodbanks we were getting families concerned about how they would afford new school uniform as far back as May 2023 as they faced the cost of living crisis. We have previously done small-scale support but felt it was important to scale up our work and enable us to support more families and this had proved much needed with significant number families needing our support this summer also needing help with uniforms and early waiting these pop-up hubs.”

School pop-ups

School Uniform Coordinator Ali Angus explains: “The idea of a school clothes swap came out of a pop-up in Streatham – hundreds of people donated clothes, plants, books, kitchen stuff like a still-boxed blender. Someone who donated a whole set of sheets and blankets said she wanted them to go free to someone who really needed them, not to a charity shop to sell them. That was an inspiring idea in a society that’s so market-driven.

Keeping clothes out of the landfill bins

“I’ve read that less than 1% of all clothing is recycled, and even less with school clothes. We aim to reduce the amount of landfill and raise awareness of a circular economy in the community, the idea that everyone has something to give in return for something they need, moving towards a sense of equity rather than reinforcing the myth that only people with money have something to give.

“We want children to be in a place where they can stop worrying about having clothes for school and be able to learn and achieve.

“If there’s a lot of clothing left over at the end, we might have a last hurrah – and anything that can’t be given away or is unwearable can be recycled into cushion covers or other products via the charity TRAID – we’re determined not to create extra waste.”

“There’s a core team of about 10 volunteers but we want to put out a shout out for help at all the venues. And if local businesses want to donate anything or volunteer time, they’re welcome. And thank you to everyone who has donated or volunteered so far

More information

  • Please bring bags/trollies to take uniform home in – the Foodbank doesn’t have them to donate.

Pop-up timetable

Dates Time Location
25/08/2023 10:00 – 1pm Coin Street Neighbourhood Centre, 108 Stanford Street, SE1 9NH
26/08/2023 10AM to 1PM Hive Cafe, 33 Palace Road SW2 3HS
30/08/2023 9:30AM to 1PM Jubilee Hall, Tulse Hill South, SW2, 2LX
30/08/2023 11.30 AM to 1.30 PM Hope Church, Lambeth Foodbank Hub, Tyers Street, SE11 5HS
31/08/2023 9:30AM to 1PM Jubilee Hall, Tulse Hill South, SW2, 2LX
31/08/2023 10AM to 5PM

Brixton Library, Windrush Square, Brixton, SW2 1JQ


31/08/2023 11am to 2pm Emmanuel Church, Clive Road, SE21 8BU
01/09/2023 10AM to  5PM Slade Gardens, Stockwell Park Rd, SW9 0DB


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